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1. To never buy sh*t clothes again.


2. To always be confident in what you wear.


How? By changing the way you buy (and are sold) clothes. It should be easy, but it's often not. Endless scrolling, new drops, non-stop seasonal offers. We believe in sustainability through quality and considered choices. That's not what most retailers do.


So we created the Vincent Score, which turns everyday details of an item of clothing into valuable pieces of information that help you only ever buy what will look good on you and get lots of wear. 


The perfect wardrobe is achievable and our directory will help you get there. It's an expertly curated garment selection that covers:


1. Best options for all budgets

2. Styles that are best for you and your lifestyle

3. Trusted quality and design from brands known for making that type of garment


The links may not be 100% up to date but you'll be taken to the right site to buy the right garment. Just think, if something has been made in the same design for 30+ years it's never going away, for good reason. No need to reinvent the wheel. That's what retailers do to keep you buying things you don't need. 


Our inspiration comes from comfort, classic outfits, and confident, well-dressed men who enjoy their clothes but focus on the important things.


This is a new concept. Your feedback, of any kind, will help Vincent get better. 

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Got it, thanks. We'll send good clothes!

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- We will never use your data without permission

- In future we will use it to create a personalised site, but we'll tell you first

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